Di-isocyanate certification

New EU & UK Reach legislation https://www.isopa.org/the-eu-introduces-mandatory-training-of-diisocyanates-workers-from-24-august-2023-in-new-reach-restriction/ came into force on 24th August 2023 to reduce health risks associated with di-isocyanates. It is now a legal requirement for users of Polyurethanes to be trained and certified in the use of these materials.

In our industry, this typically includes materials such as:

  • Fast cast

  • Clear polyurethane resins

  • Elastomers

  • 2 part foams

  • Froth Pak

  • PU spray resins

  • Polyurethane glues

Consequently, it is illegal for companies such as Cod Steaks to employee freelancers without this relevant certification. If you work with any of the above materials, you will need to complete training here: https://isopa-aisbl.idloom.events/index/safe-use-of-diisocyanates-training-selection-en. Training can be completed online and is valid for 5 years.

There are several training modules https://safeusediisocyanates.eu/images/Documents/Training%20Modules_Tasks_Matrix_March_2023_EN.pdf according to the products used and the method of application.

To be helpful, we include below the training we feel relevant to our team at Cod Steaks. However, as a freelancer it’s entirely your responsibility to ensure you obtain training suitable to your needs.


T048 – Professional application of adhesives and sealants – this course ‘may’ be free if you enter coupon refs: FEICA_21_C10

Prop/Model making

T003 – Spraying in ventilated booth

T007 – Dipping & Pouring

T048 – Professional application of adhesives and sealants – this course ‘may’ be free if you enter coupon refs: FEICA_21_C10

Mould making

T007 – Dipping & Pouring

T015 – Handling open mixtures

T048 – Professional application of adhesives and sealants – this course ‘may’ be free if you enter coupon refs: FEICA_21_C10

Poly Carving

T035 – Spraying outside a ventilated booth

PU Spraying

T019 – Professional painting – spray booth applications

T037 – Maintenance and repairs

Whilst we offer this information to be helpful, this legislation really is a grey area and it’s extremely difficult to decide which training modules are most relevant. Please direct any questions to the relevant helplines associated with this legislation.

If you currently work in a production facility, it would be worth checking that the company you’re working for are compliant with these regulations and getting them to advise on the training modules relevant to your works.

If you’re a student working towards a career in this sector, your university/college should have flagged this with you. Whilst some educational establishments get around this by avoiding the use of certain materials, it does not prepare students for the real world where di-isocyanates are widely used and often the only effective solution for industry professionals. We’re doing our best to raise awareness of this H&S change with such institutions, but it is incumbent on them to ensure students are industry ready on graduation.

Whether you’re a fresh graduate or seasoned freelancer, we actively encourage you to take care of your health and those working around you. Freelance contracts will only be awarded to those who can provide the relevant certification, so please forward this on once available.